Inspired by our patron, Fr. Capodanno, our educational model is designed to help our students see, “the crisis of the moment from an eternal perspective,” and to live as he died, in the service of others.
In modeling Fr. Capodanno’s life, our young men and women develop empathy for neighbors, readiness to forget themselves, humility in success, and confidence despite apparent failure. This requires courage and resilience. Our academic week is structured so that every Wednesday, Freshmen are engaged in learning the classical virtues defined in the Catholic tradition. Sophomores and upperclassmen practice and experience overcoming adversity, guiding them to be men and women of courage. Fr. Capodanno, did not hesitate to lay down his life for his men. Upon, hearing of Fr. Capodanno’s death, Winston Churchill wrote, “Courage is rightly esteemed as the first of all human qualities because it guarantees all others. This courage Lt. Capodanno gave to us all” (Mode 146).
Before Fr. Capodanno joined the military as a chaplain, he served with the Maryknoll Fathers, in Taiwan. As a new missionary to Taiwan Fr. Capodanno’s first task was to learn the arduous Hakka language; this proved to be a constant source of struggle. Even after many years of living in Taiwan his inability to grasp the language was always a disappointment to him. However, through his weakness, Fr. Capodanno’s character and gifts were sharpened. Fr. Daniel L. Mode writes that Fr. Capodanno was an attentive listener who found simple ways of expressing his ideas. Later, his quiet confidence and ability to hear what was said, or even not said, and respond with sympathy and sincerity, is what attracted the young marines to the Chaplain (44). Similarly, we understand that our students come to us with varying academic strengths and weaknesses. It is our aim to challenge all our students academically, regardless of
their level of ability. FVCHS strives to provide opportunities for students to discover their strengths and sharpen their character, providing an accessible education in the Catholic tradition.
At FVCHS, students are expected to complete the following academic courses to graduate: